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Nextflow [Required]

Singularity OR Docker [sarscov2 ONLY]

Either can be deployed within the nextflow.config file by setting the profile as singularity or docker during runtime - Singularity or Docker

Basespace [sarscov2 ONLY]

To access the sequencing files, the basespace cli must be installed. -Basespace

GISAID [gisaid ONLY]

To upload to GISAID, the gisaid cli must be installed. Prior to use the GISAID CLI requires authentication. Authentication must be performed every 100 days.

# Example test authentication
cli2 authenticate --client_id TEST-EA76875B00C3 --username sevillas2

# Example full authentication
cli2 authenticate --cliend_id [insert id] --username [username]


Python3 is required to run quality control report scripts.


R version 4.3 is require to run analytical report scripts.

Last update: 2023-11-15